Journal #14: The biggest thing that I’ll focus on during my revision is definitely formatting and probably getting rid of or combine sections. My resume was long, and it tended to have some white space and differences in formatting that I hadn’t noticed before. My peer reviewers pointed out a lot of things that I overlooked while I wrote my resume. I thought that this was incredibly helpful, because sometimes your own brain will constantly overlook issues and if you never have anyone to review your work, you’ll always have mistakes. While I reviewed other students’ works, I realized that there were some aspects that I could add into my own resume as well, and things that I could change to make my resume look and feel more concise. Once I start critiquing other works, I find myself being more critical of my own. Peer review is an incredibly useful tool and always helps me become a better writer and reviewer.

Journal #15: This project really made me consider how I need to pay attention to important dates in my life, as well as how to revise resumes in order to be relevant to a particular job or internship. At first, I just remembered a certain year when I started a job, and not the month. When I first started this project, I thought that everything could just be formatted as a list with headings. If that were the case, every single resume would look the same. I never thought I needed an objective or even a summary of skills. As I went through revisions and peer reviews, I realized that resumes don’t have to look exactly the same. A lot of people can have different styles or formats for their resumes, and sometimes it can show how candidates can be different from each other. I felt that this project really helped me to realize how resumes and cover letters can really make or break a candidate and can be the deciding factor in if a candidate gets an internship or job. My biggest challenge I faced during this project was formatting. I tended to want my resume to be really linear, but it would cause a lot of problems with white space. During peer review, I saw that most people were using columns to write their resumes, so I was able to change a few things about my resume formatting in order to get rid of white space.