Alexandra Kiehnau

February 9th, 2021

11 Hills Beach Rd, R501, Biddeford, ME, 04005

235 Orleans Road, North Chatham, MA 02650

Dear Atlantic White Shark Conservancy, 

Please consider this application for the Shark Research Internship position as advertised on the official Atlantic White Shark Conservancy website. I believe that I meet the qualifications for this internship that were outlined in the advertisement

As a second-year marine science major at the University of New England, I have been exposed to a variety of different skill sets that researchers primarily use.  In my first-year, I used Microsoft softwares, such as Office, Word, and Excel, in order to complete mock research papers and lab reports. I continue to use these standard data management softwares for the majority of my classes and have become proficient in them. This skill in particular has allowed me to receive high marks in marine biology and oceanography courses. My classes have also introduced me to basic statistical skills. My statistics course has introduced me to programs, specifically R-Commander, in which I can run t-tests, chi-square tests, and ANOVA analysis testing with little issue. Other opportunities on campus have allowed me to also gain experience working with teams. A primary example of this is my job at the campus dining hall where I work with a team to clean, restock, serve, and cook. With so many responsibilities, it is mandatory to have strong communication and interpersonal skills.

For most of my life, I have been incredibly interested in elasmobranch research. The conservation of sharks, especially White Sharks, is vital for the health of our oceans and the variety of ecosystems around the world. The decline that they are currently facing is extremely critical, which is why I have been making steps in my own life to understand them and their habitats better. Recently, I have had the opportunity to work with Dr. John Mohan at the University of New England. Dr. Mohan tasked me with organizing data points of multiple species of shark, as well as going through over 50+ tabs of numerical data in Microsoft Excel in order to find statistical outliers. This experience demonstrates my meticulous  attention to detail as well as my disciplined nature. During this project, I spent hours working independently in order to avoid distractions and to ensure that I didn’t miss any outliers. It is my hope that this specific experience demonstrates my motivation to pursue research opportunities. 

It has been my dream to assist in the conservation of elasmobranchs. I believe that this dream can only be achieved through hard work and experience by not only pursuing opportunities that can allow me to grow professionally, but to make a difference in the communities that I am assisting. I take this responsibility very seriously, which is why I have a valid Ohio driver’s license and can pass a criminal background check.  I look forward to hearing from you and I would be happy to discuss any questions you may have in an interview scheduled at your convenience. I can be reached at the phone number and email listed below. 

Thank you for your time and consideration, 

Alexandra Kiehnau

Alexandra Kiehnau *DRAFT SIGNATURE*
