Journal #11: I’ve never had to write a cover letter before this class. I felt like this was an important skill to learn, and it’s confusing as to why this isn’t more widely taught in high schools. Overall, once you learn how to write a cover letter and how it’s supposed to sound, it isn’t particularly hard to actually write a page. I never realized that professionalism and human nature can interact on paper. I always thought that in order to be professional, you had to hide away some of your relevant beliefs and views. When I was writing my cover letter, I added a human element to my last paragraph, and it just felt right. In class, we discussed how human elements can actually set you apart in a pool of candidates, so it isn’t bad to use. I also learned about how my sentences and sentence structure can come off in a tone that I didn’t intend. This made me become more aware of how I sound on paper and made me think more about different ways to word my thoughts. Overall, the work was really rewarding and I felt that I created a cover letter that I could genuinely be proud of.