Video Description: Calm Down video for WRT233. This video includes images from Studio Ghibli ( This video also includes music from the Youtube video, Creep – Vintage Postmodern Jukebox Radiohead Cover ft. Haley Reinhart ( and mxmtoon’s “almost home”.

I wanted this video to be a straightforward list of steps to help myself and others calm down after a stressful event. Personally, I’ve found that Studio Ghibli movies have helped me calm down after anxious/depressive episodes and stressful events. These movies have been a huge part in helping me be the type of person I want to be, so I decided that I wanted to include screenshots from some of my favorite Studio Ghibli movies, including Kiki’s Delivery Service, Howl’s Moving Castle, etc. The steps in the video are different methods that I’ve used in the past to calm myself down, so I just simply put them in a logical order to try and make one big system.

Pre-Video Brainstorm: While I would probably need both types of videos, I think I’m leaning more towards doing a calm down video. For me, I calm down by distracting myself from a certain problem for a little bit, in this case, I would probably need to distract myself from self-deprecating thoughts after an interview. Since I’ll most likely think about how I performed during an interview, I might do a montage of videos that I like with calming music in the background. I might start the video out with a calming passage from a book, or by doing a little breathing routine. Throughout the video, I could include some personal affirmations to calm myself down. I might get my friends/loved ones to record the passages or the breathing routine. I’m not quite sure what else to add besides some videos or photos that are calming to me, but I really think hearing the voices of people I’m close to will definitely calm me down.