My revision project for LIL420 focuses on writing a second version of my novella manuscript, Caim and Abel.

What does the process of completing this project show you about the range of coursework and other humanities-oriented experiences you’ve had at UNE?

While Caim and Abel is obviously relying primarily on my experience within English/writing courses, I’ve been able to draw in ideas from multiple humanities courses, such as history and philosophy. I’ve even used information and skills from non-humanities courses as well to assist in some research aspects of this project. I think that, especially as an ISH major, there is an incredibly diverse range of coursework and humanities-oriented experiences that can be found at UNE. The range of courses I’ve taken has allowed me to think about and approach my project in different ways. For example, history-based courses have allowed me to gather a wide-range of information regarding demonology (a topic that is integral to my novella), while courses like philosophy have allowed me to think deeply about the motivations of my characters as well as the intended meanings of my work as a whole.

Why did you choose this project?

I chose this project not only because it was a notable work in my college experience, but because it was (and still is) something that I can continue to work on after the conclusion of this course. It is also a project that challenges me and allows me to improve on my writing skills. I’ve found that this project pushed me to expand upon disciplines that I’ve studied as an ISH major. First, my English/Writing courses clearly come into play, as this project builds upon the knowledge and skills learned in them. I’ve also used history and philosophy based courses to assist me in my research for this project, which is focused primarily on spiritual ideas developed during the medieval and renaissance periods.

What changes in your knowledge, skills, approaches, interests and/or processes does your project suggest to you?

Looking back on the first version of this project, I’ve noticed that my writing skills have improved. While looking at the feedback I received during the first version of this project, I noticed that a lot of the problems and questions that were brought up have been resolved and fixed within the revised version. I’ve also noticed that my writing process and approach to peer review have changed. In regards to my process, I would just write without a plan in the past, but now I find myself drafting outlines and goals for sections of the story, which helps me figure out what I want to achieve with my writing. During peer review, I would wait for others to tell me what was wrong with my work, but now I’ve found myself asking for specific suggestions and ideas, especially if I’m unsure about a particular aspect of my work.

Which particular aspects of the project best illustrate those changes?

It’s a little difficult to pick out a specific part of my project that illustrates the changes outlined above. I think, if one were to look at the first few sections of the original project and compare it to the “final” version, they would see that my pacing and character development is different. These were major points of feedback during the creation of the original project. I also think that the beginning of my revised project illustrates the change in my process. In comparison to the original, the beginning of the revised project feels purposeful and organized. The beginning also seems to communicate my ideas better than the original.