First Meeting:
I decided that the project I want to revise is my novella manuscript from my Independent Study with Jesse Miller. When I met with Jesse, we discussed some of the comments and suggestions from the original project. A lot of these comments can be found on the Archival version of the novella. We also talked about the journals I completed throughout the semester for this project. The journals focused on my own suggestions and points that I wanted to revise in a future version. I’m going to start compiling the journals together in order to create a more cohesive revision plan. One of the biggest things Jesse and I talked about was my writing schedule. Since I have a busy semester, Jesse gave me some advice about making time for my writing, specifically setting aside time in the morning. He also told me about a word processor that could help me focus instead of getting distracted by my computer. We’re still discussing a potential novella to read and analyze as part of my research/sources. The novella I read while writing the first manuscript was The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman. Once Jesse and I decide on a novella to read, I should be on the right track.
Second Meeting:
I was lucky to meet with Professor Miller because of my schedule, and while our meeting wasn’t a long one, we still discussed some important things. We mainly spoke about the two oral presentations I’ll be giving during the CAS Symposium. He gave me some instruction on how long readings should be for both presentations, and since the LIL420 presentation is shorter, we decided on maybe a 2-3 minute reading. Again, while we didn’t have a lot of time to discuss the actual writing of my project, it was still nice to touch base and get some advice regarding the presentation.
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