The story I revised was Six Bullets. The original story followed an FBI agent named Reyes on a date with her girlfriend, Penny. During the date, Reyes was planning to propose, but they were interrupted by a gang, resulting in a shootout. I had a lot of fun writing the story, but there was a lot of confusion about some technical aspects of the story, such as why Reyes ran out of bullets and why the fight had gone on for so long (I originally wrote that the shootout had lasted for about an hour). The biggest concern was about the story itself. A lot of people questioned what the story was really about. Some focused a lot on the physical fight and said that the story was about a shootout rather than the relationship between Reyes and Penny. Others said that the story was strictly about that relationship and that the shootout was just a background. It really made me think about the story I wanted to tell. Another big concern was how well the story fit in a short-story format. For my revision, I decided to stick with the relationship of Penny and Reyes, but I also wanted to include some of the messy aspects that had been hinted at the beginning of the original story (like Penny being irritated at Reyes’s line of work). It was a “kill your darlings” sort of moment, but I found that the best way to revise this story was to essentially reimagine it. The FBI subplot and the shoot-out was scrapped, though I included a metaphorical date revolver within the revision. The revision focuses a lot more on the actual relationship of Penny and Reyes, highlighting the flaws of both characters and how their views of the relationship change throughout the night. I think the biggest change, besides the whole rewrite, was having Reyes become a fully-fleshed character. She obviously loves Penny, though she has no filter and can be impulsively hurtful just to make herself feel better. I also feel that Penny is more of a character in this version than in the original. In the original, Penny was pretty much a side character, but this time, she feels more like an initial antagonist, even if the audience agrees with her by the end of the story. There’s definitely more revision to do with the story, as I feel like I could have developed their relationship more. A future revision that I’d like to explore would be starting the story earlier in the night so the readers could see Penny’s initial frustration. In terms of this version, I feel like this revision makes the story fit better in a short story format than the original, though I’d like to revisit the original concept at some point, just for fun! Overall, I’m happy with the choices I made for this revision and I feel that it better reflects the main themes of the story.