The second session at the art building was more productive than the first session. While the first session had me planning and figuring out what I’d like to do, the second session allowed me to actually take a look at some of the materials I could use. I’ve settled on making a pop-up book of my first short story, though I found that I ran into some trouble with the paper. I thought that I would need more stable, construction-like paper, so trying to find something that worked was challenging for me. In the end, I settled on this type of red paper, with golden oval decorations on it. To me, it looked like the scales of the dragon in my story, and it honestly just looked pretty so I wanted it. Since I didn’t need anything cut by professor Gorham, I was able to get some of the basics done on my book, like cutting pages and making sure the pop-up section would work. I’ve never been great at crafting things, but I think my book is turning out okay so far.