I’ve just started my office hours for the GUST FSY glass that I’ve been assigned to help out with. When the day came around to have my very first session, I was really excited and nervous to help. I haven’t really tutored before, so I thought, and still think, that things will take some time and practice. When my student arrived, I asked how they were and what they wanted to talk about during our session. It quickly became clear that the student only came to my office hours because of the assignment requirements, and didn’t have anything to discuss. I tried as best as I could, but the entire time it really seemed like the student wasn’t too interested in anything I had to say. I can’t blame the student for coming because of the requirement, but it was honestly pretty disheartening to show up for my first tutoring session only to be faced with a problem like that. I’m a little scared that it might happen again, and it probably will, but I’m still going to try my best to help in whatever way that I can. I just hope that as the semester goes on, more of the students will understand that I’m there as a resource for them, instead of just an extension of the professor.