Prompt: Character Study. Create a character inventory of two characters, each with ten things about him/her/they.

Character 1: Abel (Abe) Turner

  • 27 years old, helps run his family business “___”, only child
  • Went to local community college to get a business degree
  • Soft-spoken, but can be snarky/sarcastic with people he’s comfortable with
  • Likes: Cooking, mushrooms, horror novels, puzzles
  • Dislikes: Organized religion, driving, crowds/most people
  • He has a lack of drive and feels like the only path for him is to continue running the family business, but isn’t sure if he wants to.
  • Brushes off his own feelings for others. He thinks he’s being selfless, but to others it comes off as him being selfish
  • He tends to wear the same clothes for a few days, only because he forgets to change.
  • Figured out that he was bisexual in high school after realizing that most of his friends didn’t think that Orlando Bloom was even a little bit handsome
  • He and his family have lived in the same city for their entire lives, though Abel has his own apartment now.

Character 2: Caim

  • Age is unknown, though he’s presumed to be very very old.
  • His main purpose as a demon is to take on jobs that the Princes of Hell don’t have time for
  • He’s a people (demon?) pleaser and tends to be speak loudly
  • Likes: Poe’s “Raven”, fencing, ABBA, philosophy, pineapple chicken curry
  • Dislikes: Demons that don’t work hard, cats, Dante’s “Inferno”, cold/rainy weather
  • Believes that he wants what the Princes of Hell want, but feels out of place most of the time
  • Manipulates those around him to in order to accomplish his goals, usually on his masters’ behalf
  • Had a human-esq form when Hell was first created, though the Princes of Hell changed him into a bird with clawed hands on the ends of his wings and the ability to speak
  • He enjoys when humans use witchcraft to summon him because it is usually a way for him to create a little chaos in the mortal realm.
  • Not only does he look up to the Princes of Hell, but he has an unhealthy admiration for lawyers