Team 451 and Team Blue Ocean presented today. First, Team 451 discussed how their project went and how they worked as a team. Like last time, a major focus on communication and collaboration. This team showed specific examples of how they communicated and the sources they found during research. It was interesting to see how another group used similar methods of communication while also being completely different. It was also interesting to see how much research they really put into their programs. It made me think of how my group just put research into the proposal without having a separate source list. In hindsight, having a list of all the sources we used would have been pretty helpful. Team 451 also discussed their future plans and how this class would fit in with their careers. Two of the three members had careers the directly correlated with what their project was about, but one member said that it wouldn’t apply to her career as much. Yet, the skills she gained would help set her apart from other applicants. I think most other groups have put a lot of stock into how grant writing is a specific skill that will benefit them in the future, but most of us aren’t looking at the smaller skills we’ve gained along the way, like team communication and research. Team Blue Ocean only had two members, and it seemed like it benefitted them a lot. One member said that two people seemed to communicate better than three, almost as though three people would be “too many cooks in the kitchen”. It made me interested in how this project would have turned out for my group if it were only two people. I think the biggest theme of all of the presentations focused on collaboration. It really made me think of how much I try to rely on myself, especially when it comes to projects like this. I think that working in a team will be something that I need to work on in the future, though I believe that this class was a great start to improving on my weaknesses.