To Future Grantseekers:

  • Read everything. Yes, this includes the textbook. It will be your friend
  • Do your work on time. It will save you a lot of stress, especially when you have to edit everything all of the time.
  • Please actually write the journals. Sometimes the sections you write will, and I’m not exaggerating, be trash. Journals are easy points.
  • Talk to your group. Don’t be afraid to speak up and say that something isn’t working. Be open to new ideas!
  • Jesse works really hard, so give him a hand once in a while (especially with math)
  • Talk during peer reviews. It not only helps your classmates, but it helps you too.
  • Don’t be too hard on yourself. Grant writing is hard, so don’t be too upset if you don’t get it right the first time around.
  • Research Research Research
  • Have fun!