There are a lot of themes and ideas that are emerging from the panel discussions so far. YRFCA, MEIRS, and Empowered Women have been the only groups to present so far. My group, YRFCA, talked a lot about how we worked as a team, primarily about our communication skills. I found that the other two groups spoke a lot about how well they worked together. While my group focused on how we communicated within the project, Empowered Women talked about how they communicated through similar interests. They said that they were able to bond over that shared desire to educate others about the lack of sexual education in American school systems. MEIRS talked about how they communicated through their differences, specifically in their schedule differences. The idea of communication and bonding between group members seems to be a major idea. Honestly, this makes a lot of sense, as writing grants really is a group effort. You have to be comfortable enough with a team in order to effectively write a proposal. I think the next two presentations will also have a major focus on communication. A minor theme was also difficulties that teams faced throughout the project. My team focused a lot on the budget aspect, but while other teams didn’t focus on the budget as much, they each had unique struggles. For MEIRS, they struggled with finding time to go over sections together. Empowered Women struggled with finding a way to communicate their message to the audience in a way that would make everyone comfortable with the subject material. It’s interesting to see how each team struggled, as well as how they overcame their struggles. I think that for the most part, each team essentially went through the same difficulties and were able communicate effectively.