This is the story about a war veteran who has trouble readjusting to life and finds a gibbon to be the source of his problems. Your story is really unique and your readers can tell that you put a lot of time into researching the time period. I also like the idea of the duality of nature and violence that you tackle with Frank and Huckleberry. Your characters feel fleshed out, though I think one criticism may be how you handled Frank’s mental decline. I felt pretty detached from Frank and his motivations throughout the story, but I think that this could be fixed through a change in perspective. Maybe if you put the story into first person, the reader could get a better insight into Frank’s thoughts and a better understanding of why he feels this massive fixation on the gibbon. It also feels like there is a lot of filler, especially with the couples at the park. I feel like this takes away from the relationship between Frank and Huckleberry. I do agree with a few others who’ve mentioned this, but I feel like it’s a bit unrealistic for the zookeepers to not notice Frank’s obsession with Huckleberry.