We have a lot to revise in each of our proposal components. Many of the critiques regarding our components focused on clarity and sentence structure. Some specific comments we’ve gotten in the past have been the following:

  • Clarifying how invasive plants fit into YRFCA’s mission
  • Fleshing out plans and means of evaluation
  • Rethink community outreach through pamphlets (free vs. paid, etc.)
  • Improve upon the general reasons as to why investors should care about our project.
  • Rework many sentences to make them clear and concise.
  • Regarding our goals and objectives, we need to find a better way to measure community involvement
  • Statement of Need: Overall, there needs to be a greater focus on climate change rather than biodiversity
  • Project Description: There are many sections that overlap and are restated, so consolidating similarities in each paragraph is a must.
  • Organizational Background: We did pretty well with this one, though there are parts (like the list of names) that seem unnecessary.