Step 9 focuses on writing the background of the organization. The three main parts of this section that I found interesting were the purpose of the background statement, what the background statement contains, and using the background information to restate the need for your organization. According to the book, the purpose of the background statement serves as an organization’s “credentials”. Funders need to know that the organization is capable and help the problems it sets out to solve. Along with this, the purpose of the background information is to expand upon the mission, values, and other distinguishing characteristics of the organization. The second point I found interesting was what the background statement contains. Along with the history of the organization, the background component should include the community or problem that the organization is serving as well as descriptions of programs or services that are provided by the organization. This section, in particular, adds credibility to the organization and helps funders build trust with them. The last point is about restating the importance of one’s organization. You need to restate the communities and purpose of your organization by discussing previous funding and awards the organization has won over the years. Talking about one’s success also build credibility for the organization, allowing for funders to truly understand and respect the mission.