Consider the 2 samples of Evaluation Components in a grant proposal, in the link and in our reader on p. 63. Besides the length differences, how would you describe the differences? Is one seemingly missing information? Is there too much in the other? Explain in detail: 250 words.

Each sample focused on the overall components of writing evaluations. These components included quantitative vs qualitative evaluation, internal vs. external evaluation methods, and a general overview of what the evaluation section should contain. I felt that the online article put an emphasis on methods, but lacked information regarding why an organization would focus on internal or external evaluation or even quantitative/qualitative methods. The reading on page 63 however included an in-depth description about each method and why one would use them. The section in the book felt more fleshed out than the online article. It gave a lot of information including the motivations behind each component. While the book section was a lot more thorough, the checklist on the article as well as the section regarding the integration of the evaluation within other parts of your grant proposal were helpful to me. I agree with Bethany’s statement that if I were to read only the book, I would miss out on information about integrating evaluations within the other sections of the grant proposal.