This story is about Hector and Carol, two friends who have feelings for one another, and their mysterious interaction with an extraterrestrial. I really enjoyed the description of the beach and the comic book that Carol has at the beginning. I think it really sets up the narrative that these characters are teenagers that are still figuring out the world. For me, your descriptions of the characters, their hobbies, and even the way you wrote your dialogue combines to create a sense of innocence throughout the story. Some may say that the subdued reactions of Hector and Carol during the unbelievable events are unrealistic, but I honestly think that it’s in character. I remember as a teenager, a lot of stuff happened that I shrugged off, and I feel that many teenagers have the same experiences of crazy, almost implausible events, but they just act like it’s a cool hour in their regular day. I would have enjoyed more regarding Aura. It seems as though they show up and then the story ends. As a reader, I had a lot of questions about the relationship between the three characters that I think you should answer to create a more well-rounded story. Overall, you did a great job!