Prompt: Write a project summary

Response: The Grow Native Initiative is focused on educating the public on invasive and non-native plant species. As part of this initiative, the York Ready for Climate Action organization will be hosting a series of community-focused events. Our educational outreach program will consist of monthly pamphlets that will be sent to participating households. These pamphlets will include information about invasive/non-native plants that are common in the York area as well as some low cost, eco-friendly options pertaining to garden care and upkeep. Tips will also be included in these pamphlets, such as which plants individuals can plant to help the environment and a list of plants to keep away from. Information will also be posted on the official York Ready for Climate Action website in order to make information regarding invasive and non-native plants as accessible as possible for the community. The community events that will be hosted by our organization will vary from gardening workshops to local business markets. The goal of each event is to bring the community together in a meaningful way, whether that is by supporting local businesses or meeting like-minded people with a passion for environmental conservation. We hope to make these events free to the public, with the only expenses going towards local vendors and businesses. The YRFCA will also be active within these events through educational booths, compost sites, recycling areas, and EcoHome sign up information.