Prompt: Read Step 4 in Writing Grants. What were some takeaways?

Response: This chapter/step discusses writing goals and objectives. One of the main takeaways from Step 4 is the differentiation between goals, objectives, and strategies. It is easy to lump the three together, but the chapter clearly defines each. Goals are about what a program wants to achieve. They can be visionary rather than measurable in terms of progress. Objectives, on the other hand, are measurable in terms of progress and allows grantseekers to keep track of the goals their organization is/isn’t meeting. Strategies encompass the methods/actions needed to accomplish objectives. The book describes strategies as the “how to”. Prior to this, I suppose I had some idea of what goals, objectives, and strategies are but I had never thought about how they intertwined together in a professional space. Near the end of the chapter, the authors give a list of do’s and don’t’s for writing good goals and objectives. I found that these tips relied heavily on being realistic and communicating to others in a clear and concise way.