Prompt: Read Chapter 8

Response: This chapter focuses on voice, specifically the types of voice, style, and finding your own voice. I’ve never really gotten notes regarding the voice of my stories, which is either a good or bad thing. Personally, I feel as though I haven’t really struggled with finding an adequate voice within my stories. Sometimes it can be awkward at first, but like the author says, I tend to, “not worry about it”. When I write in a voice different from my own, I like to try embodying the character and talk to others in a way that the character would. I did appreciate the distinctions between formal, conversational, and informal types of voice, and while the voice of your story should be consistent, I do think that there is room to change the voice depending on the situation the character is in. Like every chapter we’ve read in this book so far, everything builds and connects to each other. The voice of a first person narration should be more consistent than say, a third person narration, as with first person the narrator needs to be consistent with their character. One of the tips that I liked was how the author continuously said to just write and not worry about voice. It’s more important to get something on the page rather than having words that are perfectly fitting to the voice.