Prompt: What challenges do you foresee moving deeper into this proposal project?

Response: There isn’t a lot that I’m worried about for this proposal project, especially when it comes to team work. I’ve felt really comfortable with my team and know that we all pull our own weight. I think the biggest challenge will just be about navigating how realistic our proposal ideas are. We have these great ideas that seem like they would benefit the community and funders, yet they may not be feasible due to financial and man-power restraints. I also think that another big challenge will be making our proposals interesting to funders, as our ideas focus mainly on community support and involvement. There is nothing our team can really guarantee regarding community and volunteer involvement, but hopefully the message of sustainability and improving the quality of life of the residents of York will be our biggest pull for funders. It’ll be challenging to make our proposals more realistic and interesting to funders, but I’m not worried about what our team will produce. We’re pretty well-rounded and work-oriented, so I know that I can rely on them to make good choices regarding our proposal project. When we present on Wednesday, I’m sure we’ll get great feedback and be pointed in a realistic direction to take our proposal.