Interdisciplinary Studies Major, Writing/Marine Bio Minors



 “it would be no credit to anyone to be the author of Jane Eyre”(“The Last New Novel [Unsigned review of Jane Eyre]” 1847).

 “the heroine herself is a specimen of the bold daring young ladies who delight in overstepping conventional rules” (“The Last New Novel [Unsigned review of Jane Eyre]” 1847).


“the story is…unlike all we have read…” (“Review of Jane Eyre from the Era” 1847).

“it is impossible not to be spell-bound with the freedom of the touch” (Rigby 1848)


  1. kail

    I like the way you set up having both critique and praise for the novel. It was a good way of showing what this book offers and why it became so popular. Its shows how easily opinions branch, despite if a comment was bad the book was highly talked about. This orchestrates that well. As said above the book is like no other.

  2. pciriello

    Your praise and criticisms show the harshness and celebration of a book that holds so much controversy. Jane as a women in the era she’s in shouldn’t be as brash or intense but this draws more attention to Jane as a difference in the main stream of how a woman should act.

  3. aosgood1

    I like this, I think it is important to acknowledge both praise and criticism!

  4. Kimberly

    I think it’s really interesting how even the praise for Jane Eyre could be interpreted as a possible critique depending on how it’s read.

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