Prompt: Read Step 3: Writing a Compelling Problem Statement (p.29-37). What was interesting, helpful, or curious about this chapter?

Response: This chapter focused on how to write a problem statement. Basically, the problem statement is exactly what it sounds like. In order to be considered by a funder, a nonprofit needs to address the types of problems, or main problem, in a clear and concise way. This is especially important if the application is online, as organizations can create word limits. The problem statement should only be about a page or two pages long. One of the things that I found helpful was the list of tips found on page 32. The problem statement should include hard facts such as clear statistics or compelling stories from people. The problem statement must also fulfill the need for a sense of urgency in order to communicate to the funders that this problem needs to be solved now. In order to write a problem statement, your nonprofit needs to truly understand what their focus is and create realistic ways to solve problems that arise within that topic.