Prompt: Detail your process for selecting your non-profit. Was it a negotiation? What made you sure this was the right non-profit for you and your group?

Response: Abbie, Montana, and I decided on using ‘York Ready For Climate Action’ as our non-profit organization. It honestly wasn’t a negotiation. We all searched for our own organizations at first, but after some discussion, we felt that York Ready For Climate Action best represented what we wanted to do for our project. One of the aspects of a nonprofit that we wanted was that it was based locally, which YRFCA is. Upon looking at their website, it is clear that the organization truly cares about making an impact. Many of their tabs are about what people can do to live energy efficiently and has even started an ecoHOME initiative. This organization is also affiliated with a nation-wide program called Sierra Club Initiative. By affiliating themselves with a national program, our group saw opportunities to get other nonprofits to collaborate with us. Montana and Abbie also agreed that since it is a local nonprofit that focuses on smaller communities, there is a possibility that we may find specialized grants for York or Maine-only nonprofits.