Prompt: What is interesting/helpful/curious about pages 21-31?

Response: This chapter stood out to me due to the delicate balance of emotion appeal and financial need. While each section emphasized the need for preparation, the section, “Funder Meetings” really highlighted the importance of being prepared. I thought that it was useful to know that while funders may be willing to meet with you, they may not have a lot of time and they typically don’t want to give any false hope about receiving a grant. Not only must you answer questions truthfully, but you need to answer questions concisely while also maintaining a degree of professionalism. The book gives a list of points to cover while speaking to a funder, such as your organization’s credibility, proposed outcomes from a project, and what the funder could gain from their involvement. When it comes to grantseeking, I feel as though many individuals tend to focus on appeasing funders, rather than being honest and clear about their goals. I also feel that many forget common courtesies, such as following up via email about the meeting. The book also talked about how important following up is, as one can clarify questions the funder may have had and the seeker can express thanks for meeting with the funder. These courtesies are what really leave an impression on a funder, and while it may not be the most important topic within the chapter, I felt that basic politeness and courtesies are often overlooked.