Prompt: What are you looking to get out of the class?  How might it apply to your future life and career? (150-200 words).

Response: I wanted to take this class because I feel that information regarding grant and proposal writing is applicable to most fields. In my case, grants and proposals are undeniably important in science and research. Researchers rarely receive funding to complete projects and therefore must apply for grants from universities or organizations to help cover the financial cost. Working in a university lab has made me aware of how scientists are in dire need of more funding in order to continue making breakthroughs about specific aspects of our world. For instance, I will have to write a proposal in order to receive funding from the university to continue researching a bycatch reduction device that would benefit shark species and commercial fishermen. In terms of what I’m hoping to get out of this class, the answer is simple. I want to learn more about the grant seeking process in order to not only have a better understanding of the process, but to become a better professional writer. These skills are severely underestimated in our society and I hope that this class will allow me to have a skill set that many students do not have.